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The Tennessee Food Safety CoE Community of Practice (TN CoP) is a quarterly online collaborative environment for our regional partners. Designed as a discussion-based collaboration, the CoP facilitates peer sharing of enteric disease investigation activities as well as programmatic best practices. Tennessee Food Safety CoE staff facilitate a space for state partners to share lessons learned, successes, and pose questions to a network of peers for discussion.

Below you will find descriptions of previous CoP sessions:

Salmonella Javiana

Review of outputs from a recently completed TN CoE project (collaboration between TDH and UT Food Science) that included clinical strains from Tennessee: “Genomic Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Javiana

WGS Integration and Cluster Detection Process (VA)

Virginia epidemiologist shared details about their WGS integration, cluster detection process, and cluster management system.

SEDRIC for Cluster Detection (GA); Cluster Tracking Systems

Georgia epidemiologist led a demo showing how they use SEDRIC in their cluster detection workflow. CoP also included a description of current TN CoE WGS projects (Salmonella Braenderup update and Salmonella Mississippi introduction) and went over cluster tracking systems.

Cluster Meeting Simulation

TN epidemiologists went through a mock weekly cluster meeting, including a description of their cluster report format, assigning new clusters, and cluster investigation updates.

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